Hales Corners Environmental Committee
Hales Corners - Emerald Ash Borer
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The Emerald Ash Borer
Will Be Arriving Soon.
This innocent looking insect has been spotted in most
areas around Hales Corners. Strategically placed,
purple traps have captured evidence of their arrival in
New Berlin, Oak Creek, West Allis and Franklin.
Although not officially reported, the Ash Borer will
eventually arrive here, unwelcomed in the Village of
Hales Corners.
If you have not become aware of the Emerald Ash
Borer, then this will be important for you to read. Each
one of us will be affected, either directly or indirectly
by its presence.
EAB in Hales Corners
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a non-native insect from Asia and was originally detected in Michigan
in 2002. It is believed that this invasive species was in wooden packing material. Since its arrival, EAB
has spread throughout the United States and Canada. The pest attacks all species of North American
Ash trees and to date has killed an estimated 30 million. It is not a matter of IF it arrives in Hales
Corners; it is a matter of WHEN.
The visible signs exhibited by trees infested with EAB include thinning of the crown, vertical bark splits,
D-shaped exit holes, and dead and or dying branches. In addition, increased woodpecker activity in
your neighborhood may also indicate the presence of EAB.
The Village of Hales Corners is responsible for the removal of infected trees on all public lands. Trees
on private property are the responsibility of the owner.
Suggested steps for managing Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) infestation: (Follow the links for more details.)
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